Thursday 29 November 2012

Bulbul Bahuguna

Everyone either personally knows someone, or knows someone who knows someone, who has been abused.What hurts the victim is not only the cruelty of the oppressor, but also the silence of the bystanders.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

BOOK REVIEW - "The Ghosts That Come Between Us"

The Ghosts That Come Between Us

"A stream-of-consciousness prologue opens this novel with questions about life, God and the meaning of everything. It's a move that places the reader squarely inside Nargis' fraught existence. Exactly what's wrong isn't clear, but it's obvious she's suffering mental and physical distress ... The path this endearing narrator takes is filled with bumps ... Bahuguna writes: "Daddy would call all the shots in the family: How we would be educated, what language we should speak, how we should behave, and how we should think. And also, how we must dream. He would even decide our relationship with God." It's a difficult story, but one that is well-told. Nargis is a relatable character and Bahuguna approaches her plight with grace and sympathy ... the family drama that ensues is efficiently handled."

"An insightful, graceful read ..."
By - Kirkus Reviews

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Latest Book SYNOPSIS

The Ghosts That Come Between Us is a first-person narrative that follows the life journey of a girl named Nargis. The story starts in the Himalayas in post-independence India, spans through Communist Russia, and ends in a Chicago suburb in the United States.

While the book recounts delightful memories of childhood in the sixties and colorful anecdotes of family travels through young urban and feudal rural India, finding love behind the impervious Iron Curtain, and the adventure and challenge of immigrating to the U.S., the book in the main is about Nargis's struggle to escape the confusing relationship with her father, Brigadier Yadav, and forgo the special status she thrived in and enjoyed growing up.The closure Nargis strives for, she painfully realizes, has to come from within.

Read More at : The Ghosts That Come Between us