Friday 18 January 2013

Cowardly Attack on Malala Yousafzai

On October 9, 2012, a small bus carrying a group of girls home from their school was stopped in Swat, Pakistan by two gun-carrying individuals. One of them, on entering the bus, asked the girls, "Which one of you is Malala Yousafzai?" The moment she was identified, the gunman shot Malala twice. Her crime: Speaking out about the need for girls living in Swat region to receive an education.

Malala was struck by two bullets; one in her face and the other was lodged in her neck. The brave girl survived and is now making excellent progress in England ... thanks to the technology and caring medical staff. I have full faith that the courageous 15 year old will recover fully. The world needs her, Pakistan needs her and, certainly, the young girls living in Swat need her.

The rape and murder of Delhi's Braveheart and the gunning down of Sandy Hook school children have jolted Indians and Americans alike to put aside the individual differences in a bid to stop the mindless violence against the most vulnerable sections of our society --- children and women. I am sure the Pakistanis will bravely mobilize their ranks to stop the scourge that attempts to silence the fearless Malalas in that country. The Pakistanis must not allow the emotional momentum, generated by Malala Yousafzai, to dissipate.

Brave Nargis, the protagonist in my forthcoming novel "The Ghosts That Come Between Us" leaves the reader with a clear thematic message: "To Be Brave Is To Be Honest."

I implore civil societies everywhere to be brave enough to honestly confront their collective demons.

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