Wednesday 9 January 2013

One Billion Rising Against Sexual Abuse

I am grateful to those who read and commented on my Delhi Braveheart postings.  Her brutal gang rape, and murder, has sparked an international phenomenon. People everywhere are asking the same question: What is it about Indian society that has allowed such crimes to flourish?

The problems that have festered over centuries will arguably take a long time to resolve; however, the global spotlight on women's sexual victimization in India is already beginning to deliver hope. It's an opportune coincidence that the India visit of Eve Ensler, the renowned playwright and activist, in connection with her One Billion Rising campaign was happening when millions were protesting across the country against the gang rape of the Braveheart.

Speaking to the Indian press she said, "India is really inspiring the rest of the globe in rising. We are getting so many sign-ups since the December 16 incident and the protests. They are saying if India can do it, so can we. India now is really the vanguard. And I believe we are going to see a massive rising in India with regards to violence against women issue."

Eve Ensler, herself a survivor of incest and physical abuse by her father, puts it best when she surmises that society needs to create conditions which allow the victim to 'survive and thrive.

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